Monday, 21 May 2012


Ben's XS650, been sat in a shed for years just waiting for the day.

Top bloke Rob travelled up from Devon and it's probably fair to say he enjoyed himself. Have a look on dirty rags and smelly fingers for the full story. Had a fine win and a second place (i think).

Team talk.

Rod's '70s survivor Triumph, another chop that has been sat for years waiting for inspiration. More on this bike in a while.

Trawler was given a hefty looking Z for the day that would have been a handful even on the road. the look says its all over, the muddy trousers says its been over.

 Milo (Mert Lawwill) Hiscox, still carrying Red Marley mud qualified top for the final, hit the dry line and left 'em for dead on his 45. Still with a foot clutch and hand shift and now looking for a new challenge.

Sorry no action shots, it was all too far away for my photographic skills and equipment. Gareth was with me for the day though so hopefully some pro stuff soon.
I know what you are thinking, i was there, i have a chopper..........


  1. Bloody perfect mate, more super shots from what looks like a truly magnificently mad event . . . ten foot over rigids, sports bikes, C90's, just what you need. Any video would be muchly appreciated, bravo.

  2. Great to meet you Pete. i had an absolute blast and yes i was 2nd in the final (thanks to a sticky throttle cable). sorry i didn't say "cherio" before you left but i had to race back to the hotel to check-in so that i could race back to the doo and get pissed at the party...
