Thursday, 7 February 2013


Eat the Rich UK. The future.
 OK, i intended to have a couple of weeks break then carry on as before, then i thought i would have a months break then have a total revamp, then i thought i wouldn't carry on at all, but...
It would seem you like EtRUK as it is. I had guessed i may get a comment or two but iv'e had a lot of positive and encouraging emails plus messages on Instagram and Facebook all telling me to get back to work.
I probably won't post every day and there are way too many blogs (and Instagram accounts) full of old photos trawled from the Web so there won't be any of that. Unless i decide otherwise... You know by now what i do and what i like so that's what to expect.
I plan to have a weekly video and maybe dump Tuesday's Tritons but otherwise it will remain random misspelt tomfoolery from a small front room in North Yorkshire.
As always its great to have some input, original photos etc from anyone out there just so i know i am not talking to myself. Mail stuff to

Work. The present.

After a couple of visits to Bennys new place i got all inspired and decided my workshop should be a more hospitable enviroment, drop in for a brew if you're in the area..


  1. Loving the leather settee bennys is cool you need a nice pot plant in there as well. cool man

  2. When i get into wakey in (september i think )drop you a line for a cupper etc :-) great that you are still doing what you love & shareing it to the mob.

  3. Rather salubrious Pete, have a cup of black coffee for me, a tad too far just to drop in, cheers.

  4. Woo hoo i love this place. The brew paradise !!!

  5. Good to have you back Mr S xx

  6. It's Great that your back, Humor and Bikes what more is there? (besides booze and Birds*!) Keep it up, but don't let the blog become a prison sentence blog when you want to not coz you feel you have to.

    * or Blokes if you are a bird or if that's what you like (don't accuse me of not being PC ETR blog readers.)

  7. Should be great drinking a cup of tea ( or someting else )in a Red Chesterfield !
    Good to read you again +++

  8. I haven't always kept up with the hectic pace of ETR, (I haven't always kept up with anything!) but always love your prose Pete.

    New caf looks smart too. All fancy cakes and speciality tea's, or Baldrics brew?*

    *spoon of flanders mud, a sprinkle of dandruff...and er no milk for me thanks.

  9. Yayyyyy! :)

    Without ETR I would have had to do some work. xx
