Thursday, 5 December 2013


We haven't had much to do with Traffic Wardens in Ryedale but the Pattaweyos are out in force now. The lady who gave me this colourful little bag with a "Failure to display a tax disc" notice in it hounds the citizens of Pickering daily. This is North Yorkshire, you can park where you like its a birthright and look under the seat at the back of the oil tank woman.
 I also got a £35 parking ticket...


  1. It must be a pre xmas rush ..I had a run in with the local bobby parked outside the Kirby coop last week ....I was a bit luckier ..he let me off with a ticking off ..sensible I thought

  2. you NEVER have to pay a pcn pete, go to and learn how, Ive not paid apcn in the last 5 years and i go looking for em, I wont pay to park in a council car park either. . . its so easy to do. why aint me sticker on the bike! Willi

  3. These idiots clearly are part of a global guild of automaton zombies sent to be nothing more than a pain in the arse.

  4. Looked at that site Will, interesting. Your sticker is on my van, nothing will stick to Old Blu its too oily.

  5. well get a rag n give it a wipe, sent ya 2, wheres tother un on fridge door ? Willi
