Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Way back on the 27th March last year i posted the top picture of our electricity bill. Due to our meter being in another shed that is just used for storage (not by us) the meter readers havent had a true reading since 2004 except for once in 2007 when they apparently didnt think it was correct so ignored it ! We consulted everyone we thought may be able to help and they all said "they will do a deal, they always do, my mates mate etc......". I rang British Gas and spoke to an abrupt lady, she said they never do deals, we have to pay it, end of.
Finally after talking to just about everyone at British Gas we got through to a sympathetic lady who agreed that we shouldnt be charged for the full amount at the current rate as it was over a long period and should be in line with the cost of electricity over the years. She said we had to monitor the electricity supply and amounts we used (at our expense) and contact her with the results. We got a new bill for £7,600 and paid £4,000 on account. After a couple of months of monitoring the supply we sent her the figures, we got an automated reply but she never contacted us. Over the following 9 months we have gone through the saga with many other BG employees, all of them were going to ring us back, no one ever did. The only calls we got were from the debt collection side of the company requesting that we pay the balance.
In the meantime we paid a further £700 on account plus out current bills. There is way more to this than i can put on here or else you would just get fed up of reading so to cut a very long and tedious story short, i had the usual "when are you going to pay this outstanding bill" phone call about a two months ago. I told the guy it was in dispute and he said he would ring me back. 20 miniutes later he rang back and said he had spoken to his superiors who say we dont owe the balance of £3,000 they owe us £900. Basically he did in 20 minutes more than everyone else had achieved in 9 months.

We have now had our meter read and have finally got our bill..

If you get a bill like this argue then argue again, we have been threatened with court action, termination of supply and told our credit rating will be affected numerous times. We have spent hours on the phone to faceless fuckers who just want the call to end and to go home. They are not interested in you nor do they care but in the end they will get sick of you and if you are lucky you might just get to speak to the one guy who actually wants to help...


23bricks said...


Steve Plowman said...

bastards do the same to me every winter at Achnasheen, estimated account over the winter, we called we tried we estimated cards thru the door and the bill keeps climbing, hours on their call centre "help" (aye f'kin right!) line and still not sorted............

ITALIAN MOTOR magazine said...

It's just a fucking nightmare having your time wasted, brain cells burnt, and heart rate raised whether it be gas, electric, broadband, car dealers, Direct Line, need I go on? Fuck'em all - modern life is rubbish!

Pete Stansfield said...

Bloody right we would all be a lot happier with a steam car and candles, no stress no high blood pressure, just sit at home and cut t'lawn with scissors.