Stinkin' hot today so had a ride up to Hutton-le-Hole on the moors for an ice cream at dinner time (you probably call it lunch time). All good, then as soon as i set off for home there was a loud scraping noise from the rear wheel, stopped but all looked OK so backed the mechanism right off and rode back gently, every now and then the noise disappeared then would return again. Presumed something had fallen to bits in the brake drum and wobbled along making mental plans to drag the BSA out for this weekend's Farmyard Party and set fire to the twat when i got home.
Took the wheel out and once the brake plate was off found two slack bolts left holding the sprocket on. I had replaced the originals with polished Stainless bolts, the originals are now all back in, Loctited and lockwashered.
Engine still leaks.

Arhgghghgh! When's the farmyard party?!?! Not this weekend? Would seem I'm just not destined to make it... Arsew*nk.
Yes this weekend, i will be pissed in a field you will be changing a nappy ...
Pissed on in a field judging by t'weather... And yes. Nappies-a-go-go...
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