Both Speedway bikes made well under £2,000.

These glorious trucks were on the road and both fetched £6k +, brilliant for next years Hayride (with hay !)

Festering XK Jag went to a brave man for over 8 grand.

and the bike that a lot of people had gone for, a seized solid relic of a Manx with Gold Star motor made £12,075...

The full catalogue with photos and auction results is still on Bonhams
Love that Buick Pete; never seen one before. As for the Jag XK120, reckon Jerry could have that bodged up in no time...
Oi ! Moffie, you mean lovingly restore to it's original splendour. It's bit like a certain white mk2 i'm au-fait with.........
Oi! Alter-ego, is your idea of white actually red then?
the price of rust certainly seems to be buoyant
- or unbfuckingleivable.
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