Tuesday 13 November 2012


I have been looking to buy a bike near Frome to give me an excuse to call into Chris' new coffee lounge Crocker and Woods . Definitely on my list of places to go once i've dug out my white suit and slip ons...


Anonymous said...

Hey lucky you !!!
Is the Chris's place is far away from the Linkert Attacks event ?

stevegayton said...

Nice use of sacking!

Pete Stansfield said...

Linkert Attacks '13 hasn't got a confirmed venue yet as far as i know Ollie, are you coming ?

Anonymous said...

Still don't know where the wind will push me in 2013 ha ha ha ha !!! But it's an event i wish to see.

jon said...

Pete, I've got a 92 FZR 3GM for sale nearish to frome (weymouth).. strong motor, tatty, cheap!