Thursday 1 July 2010


By the time i made it back home from France my Transit was proper poorly. It will only be an injector they said (prone to it), injectors checked and OK, probably a broken rocker they said (prone to it), rockers checked and OK, Its a broken piston they said yes youve guessed they are prone to that as well, in fact i am surprised there are any left on the road with all their inherent foibles... So far i cant find and engine and a decent recon is about £2 grand which is about what the van is worth on a good day. Anyone want a project ?

To cheer myself up i fitted some "cheesecloth boys" style shocker tops i got off ebay for fifteen quid and my Butlers saucer light to the Shovel, nice.


Guy@GK said...

Oh shit... that's not good.

Light looks fab, on the other hand.

Rob said...

how did the shovel fair up on the france mission?

Pete Stansfield said...

Ran like a swiss watch mate.