Saturday 30 October 2010


Set off early this morning to Bridlington for the scooter rally, my hands were cold before i even got to the petrol station and over the Wolds there was a vicious strip of frost down the centre of the road, not a day for heroism. I stopped and took a photo at the Triton Inn in Sledmere, every time i have had a Triton i have meant to ride it there and take some photos, this is the nearest i've got.

By the time i got to Brid things were warming up slightly. A good show in the newly refurbed Spa, lots of photos to come..

Hundreds of 50+ scooter boys still with their Docs and turn ups. The rally takes over the town and has an excellent centre at the Spa with all the local guest houses and pubs full to capacity, why do bike rallies have to be in a field ?

Then it was 50 miles up the coast to Whitby for the Goth weekend passing through Scarborough and a quick run round Olivers Mount en route. The second half of the ride skirts the Yorkshire Forests then over the moors but it was still too cold to take a photo apart from at the Mount where it seems i was 20th on the grid even though there were no other competitors.

Goth weekend needs to be seen to be believed! more photos next week..

Finally a blast over the moors to Pickering and home, nice and warm now, almost double figures. This is a proper 150mph biking road with no speed cameras, sports bikes will come past you so fast you wont even see what colour they were. In summer its nose to tail seaside holiday traffic today it was nearly empty.

A grand day out Gromit.


ITALIAN MOTOR magazine said...

Are they real those Goth babies??

Pete Stansfield said...

They are Reborns. The same people in the same outfits were there last year too, the parents get older but the babies stay the same..spooky.