Thursday 25 March 2010


Money was tight in 1998 so i bought a cheap crashed/imported EXUP to build a low budget streetfighter out of. It wasnt a runner but "they're bomb proof motors these", as everyone says about almost every jap bike ever made. I put little money but huge time into the thing and ended up with it as you see here. My missis went 2 miles on the perch and refused to go any further, it had a strange tap from the centre of the engine and it jumped out of gear, lots. Engine out and full stripdown, bent selectors replaced but found nothing else wrong. Started it up again, still had the tap. Stripped it again, took it to local expert John Warrington who, like me found nowt wrong. Put it all back together, yes, still there. Twat. Stripped the bike and took the lot to Rufforth Autojumble and sold it in bits ! The only good part of the whole sorry story is that Nik Samson, then editor of Streetfighters mag, thought it looked the bollocks and ran a feature. Now i have published it on here i should have a ceremonial burning of all the photos i have of the vicious bastard.

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