New issues of Dice and Greasy Kulture arrived today. These are not just magazines they are a public service, bibles to style, fulfillment and a better life. They are also packet of Lights and pint of Peroni cheap and when you've had a cough and a piss they will still be there.
Buy them and open new doors. It may be grey and shite outside but between the covers is sunlight and warmth and Dr Glory. I would buy Dice just for Dr Glory.
They will make you smile, feel good and give you inspiration to dress better and ride your bike more. I know you think like me 'cos your'e reading this.
Do some mousing yer and yer and do it now.
* Note i have no affiliation with either publication just love and admiration.
I agree with you Peter but getting em in germany (without paypal) is misrable to say the least .I get DicE from (Madiera Drive) Düsseldorf,But can;t get over there all the time so i,m alway,s pre no etc .As for Gkm he don,t do em ah well you can,t always get what you want blah blah blah!!!cu on the road in yorkie land sometime .
Get some Paypal GG, your prayers will be answered. The greater the struggle the greater the reward.
Thanks Pete. You brought a tear to me eye!
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