Friday 7 May 2010


Went for my 6 monthly blood pressure checks, yes still too high, drink less, relax more, blah blah, so i went for a relaxing lunch at Rosedale tea rooms on my A10, how terribly English. What the photo doesnt show is that it was windy and cold with a capital F

Got back to work to find a parcel from the US, i asked Randy to mark it "faulty item returned" it worked, no duty to pay !

Better still, inside was this....

Randy has some other Triumph goodies for sale, check out his eBay stuff under username randy3514.

Then i took the swinging arm out of the Shovel (again) and got it ready to weld some new shocker bosses on top to raise the back end a bit. The old hippo bottoms out with the tyre hitting the guard in all the craters left by the frost even with the heavy duty shocks set on an almost rigid setting. Im just thankful for some suspension, North Yorkshire's roads at present are no place for a hardtail

Tomorrows post will be more interesting, promise.

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