Back in early 2004 i spotted a little magazine for sale on ebay, it was by two chancers from London who lived on a boat, it sounded groovy and was about scruffy Triumphs so i bought one, then a subscription, then another............ive got 'em all and the tech tips guides, the box that 15 came in and even the crayons that came with 25 (which also contained me). There is a copy of issue 1 currently on ebay.
F**k this lets collect.
Fuck motorcycles, lets sell our collections of Dice magazine and never work again. $76 not a bad price for a slice of todays chopper Kulture.
$35 for issue 5, what would the Antiques Roadshow make of them ?
$76? It's now at $122.50...
Yeah, I meant £76. Still... £76!!! I have an original GKM banner (as seen at the Hayride) going on ebay first thing tomorrow.
Shit, I'll give you £1.25 for it... c'mon brother!
It's a deal; £74.75 postage tho.
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