Yea i know there were hundreds more but i cant lie to you, i just didn't get to look round the showfield or car parks so unless they parked between me and the bar/toilet i didnt see 'em. I dont think i would have found anything better than Alchemist, Carl's '33 Ford though, hopefully i will take a few more photos at Shakey next month and do a separate post on it.
When i first met Carl at The Linkert someone told me he had the best rod in the UK, it was not an exaggeration. It has everything a car should have and nothing it shouldn't, i would have very happily blasted the 280 miles home up the motorway in this and paid for the fuel. The only downside is he told me how much it had cost to build....

Know what you mean Pete, I spent most of the weekend deciding what to take pictures of!!! Ended up taking mostly pics of the stickers people had plastered over their car and bikes!!
Carl's '33 is definitely the best rod in the UK..... and I think it was me who said so at the Linkert.
Me,innit ? SJ ?
Nope. Paul.
You just can't fault The Alchemist: period perfect right down to its cross plies and drop tube.....
PS That slammed Caddy is also a bit nifty
Yep the Caddy was a beaut, cant see me getting out of the workshop with it though never mind over the speed humps in the street.
Paul Luap ?
In that case it was probably you !
Told you so.
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