Did about 5 miles yesterday; it rides straight as an arrow, easy to handle once you are doing over 10mph and the brakes even slow it down a little. Just a right laugh and i can see what is behind in a sort of fish eye way in the reflection of the headlight.
But... as suspected the carb is never going to work properly going "uphill" so ive ordered a sidedraft manifold from Clay Cross in the US and also a new Mikuni to go with it. I have already spent too much of my life trying to coax old Amals back to life.
One other problem, the engine is wet sumping, after the run it was blowing oil from the breather pipes and investigation shows there to be 280ml of oil in the sump (maximum should be 100). This morning i have checked the scavenge pipe, stripped the oil pump, put another new crank end seal in the timimg case and stripped and checked the pressure release valve. They were all perfect. I have read in a thread on JJ of someone having similar trouble with an oil filter fitted in the return oil line (as i have), anyone had this happen to them ? At the moment there is no carb on the bike in readiness for the new set up but when it arrives i can try bypassing the filter...and hope.