A friend of mine was married to Steve Roberts' sister back in 1981 and as a result we got back stage passes and tickets to a Subs gig at Hull. We went and met the boys first then watched them endure waves of snot and gob (we were well back) in the form of adulation. The after gig party was what we had really gone for, but nothing happened. The band had a shower and went to bed while we sat drinking with Stevie. We slept in a brush cupboard in their hotel and got chucked out when the maid came round next morning. Stevie is top left in this shot and had a promising career as a session drummer but needed the limelight of belonging to a successful band so jumped at the chance to join the Subs. Two years later he was chucked out for being too "Rock and Roll" unfortunately he liked his beer followed by lots of other stuff followed by more beer. His big idol was Keith Moon and he was always desperate to copy him in every way.

The Band (well Charlie Harper) is still going strong 30 yrs later with a big following especially on the continent and are touring France and Germany next month but what happened to Steve ? My mate split up big style with his wife so i lost track of Steves' career (if he still had one).
I spent a while Googling yesterday and he's got his own band ZeSuicide, here he is make your own mind up......
Ze Scuicide. Ball Park
At least he isnt dead !