Somewhere sometime recently i have seen finned, coloured plastic, Hunt mag covers for sale, almost definitely in Japan. Anyone point me in the right direction. Ta.
UPDATE, Monday morning, a lead.
Tommo sent me a link to this on SFFS blog. Google search for Rough Blog still gets me nowhere. Anyone out there with links to Japan ?
Thanks Guy and Tommo for the research and links. They are £144 ! i am going to sit down for a while and try to convince myself its (another) necessary purchase.
try to ask in biker metric, they have a blog & they also are in facebook. have seen those covers to but dont remember what blog it was in but i saw them for sale in a blog when i was seeking around the net.. greats per
I've emailed Mochi... I checked CycleHeadz & Vibes and couldn't find anything, but I know the ones you mean. I can see them in my mind's eye...
Thanks Guy and Tommo for the research and links. They are £144 ! i am going to sit down for a while and try to convince myself its (another) necessary purchase.
try to ask in biker metric, they have a blog & they also are in facebook. have seen those covers to but dont remember what blog it was in but i saw them for sale in a blog when i was seeking around the net.. greats per
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